Robert Levithan

Robert is a psychotherapist, workshop leader and writer, practicing in New York City.

Currently, a regular contributor to the HUFFINGTON POST, Robert’s column, THE NEW 60, first on, then on THE GOOD MEN PROJECT magazine,  focused on issues of aging, long-term survival from HIV and personal reinvention. Last year he wrote a sex advice column as THE SEXUAL ETHICIST.  Previously, Robert has been a columnist for Oprah’s O AT HOME as The Design Shrink, and for 

Robert facilitates THE AIDS MASTERY /THE MASTERY workshops nationally.  Most recently at GMHC in New York.  Cities where he has presented include Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Oklahoma City, Miami, Portland, Minneapolis and Palm Springs.  He has facilitated more than 100 workshops in NYC.  In the last year he has spoken at The Society for Ethical Culture 4 times.

Frequently a guest on radio, profiled in print and online, Robert has appeared on CHARLIE ROSE and FRESH AIR and is cited in numerous books and articles as an expert on living with illness and vital aging.  He is also a specialist on Internalized Prejudice.

His book THE NEW 60:  Outliving Yourself and Reinventing a Future is available on  He is working on a memoir and a book related to grief.

At  FRIENDS IN DEED, The Crisis Center for Life-Threatening Illness, Robert works to provide pragmatic spiritual support for individuals and families dealing with Life-threatening illness, care-giving, grief and bereavement.  He served on FID’s Board for 17 years, 7 as Co-Chair.
Robert was born on the island of Manhattan and has a BA degree from The University of Pennsylvania (Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa)  and an MA from Southwestern College of Santa Fe NM (With Distinction).

He currently hosts a monthly Salon on Sexuality as THE SEXUAL ETHICIST.  He lives in Soho with his muse, Sophie, a former seeing-eye dog. 

Transitions, Entering a new chapter: Curiosity as the foundation of Resilience!
Workshop Dates
Friday November 14th - Sunday November 16th, 2014     BOOK NOW

The Workshop will invite the participants to explore and create what might be the next chapter in their lives. We will examine resilience skills and look at how to embrace reinvention as an ongoing lifestyle.

Robert will share relevant parts of his journey and the tools he has garnered from his professional practice with extraordinary clients.

This all-inclusive three day/two night workshop includes your luxury accommodations, all meals, workshop sessions with Robert Levithan, a daily yoga class, nature walks and time with our horses.

Massages and horse rides are available at an additional charge.


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